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Gowanus Art + Production
452 Union Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231

For more info please email us at:

Gowanus Art + Production is a proud member of Gowanus Hospitality Group. GAP began in 2013 with a vision to provide innovative space for immersive art and theater. GAP regularly curates live performances and film screenings in the Green Building, 501 Union, and Sky Gallery. We strive to present meaningful art that engages people and leaves them with a better vision for life and their place in it. GAP also rents space for performances, film, and photo shoots.

2009 Gowanus Hospitality Group. All Rights Reserved. 

This website is produced as part of a joint marketing arrangement. 

Each of the venues and service providers featured on this website is a separate legal entity which is independently owned, controlled, and operated and is not legally affiliated with any of the other venues or service providers. 

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